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شركة رؤية
مؤسس الموقع
23 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
أهم مصطلحات وإختصارات اللوحة الأم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Motherboard professional vocabulary

ADIMM (advanced Dual In-line Memory Modules, senior double inline memory module)
AMR Audio Modem Riser AMR (Audio / Modem Riser; audio / modem card motherboard additional vertical)
AHA (Accelerated Hub Architecture, speed up the center structure)
ASK IR (Amplitude Shift Keyed Infra-Red, long-wave infrared mobile input)
ATX: AT Extend (Extended AT)
BIOS (Basic Input / Output System, Basic Input / Output System)
CSE (Configuration Space Enable, could be allocated space)
DB: Device Bay, Equipment Bays
DMI (Desktop Management Interface, Desktop Management Interface)
EB (Expansion Bus, Expansion Bus)
EISA (Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture, to enhance industry-standard-shaped structure)
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference, Electromagnetic Interference)
ESCD (Extended System Configuration Data, scalable system configuration data)
FBC (Frame Buffer Cache, the frame buffer cache)
FireWire (FireWire, or IEEE1394 standard)
FSB: Front Side Bus, pre-bus, that is, external bus
FWH (Firmware Hub, firmware Center)
GMCH (Graphics Memory Controller Hub, graphics and memory control center)
GPIs (General Purpose Inputs, the ordinary operation of input)
ICH (Input / Output Controller Hub, Input / Output Control Center)
IR (infrared ray, infrared)
IrDA (infrared ray, infrared communication interface may be local area network access and file sharing)
ISA: Industry Standard Architecture, the industry standard architecture
ISA (instruction set architecture, industrial settings MDC (Mobile Daughter Card, mobile formula card)
MRH-R (Memory Repeater Hub, Memory Data Processing Center)
MRH-S (SDRAM Repeater Hub, SDRAM Data Processing Center)
MTH (Memory Transfer Hub, Memory Conversion Center)
NGIO (Next Generation Input / Output, a new generation of I / O standard)
P64H (64-bit PCI Controller Hub, 64 bit PCI Control Center)
PCB (printed circuit board, printed circuit board)
PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly, printed circuit board assembly)
PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect, Interconnect peripheral equipment
PCI SIG (Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group, interconnect peripherals professional group)
POST (Power On Self Test, Power On Self-Test)
RNG (Random number Generator, random number generator)
RTC: Real Time Clock (RTC)
KBC (KeyBroad Control, the keyboard controller)
SAP (Sideband Address Port, sideband addressing port)
SBA (Side Band Addressing, sideband addressing)
SMA: Share Memory Architecture, Shared Memory Structure
STD (Suspend To Disk, the disk wake-up)
STR (Suspend To RAM, memory wake-up)
SVR: Switching Voltage Regulator (switching voltage regulator)
USB (Universal Serial Bus, Universal Serial Bus)
USDM (Unified System Diagnostic Manager, a uniform system for monitoring Manager)
VID (Voltage Identification Definition, identification authentication voltage)
VRM (Voltage Regulator Module, Voltage Regulator Module)
ZIF: Zero Insertion Force, zero-power interpolation motherboard technology
Gigabyte Gigabyte
ACOPS: Automatic CPU OverHeat Prevention System (CPU overheating **** System)
SIV: System Information Viewer (System Information Observation)
ESDJ (Easy Setting Dual Jumper, simplified dual-CPU jumper method)
UPT (USB, PANEL, LINK, TV-OUT quadruple interface)
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, an advanced set-up and power management)
AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port, accelerated graphics port)
I / O (Input / Output, Input / Output)
MIOC: Memory and I / O Bridge Controller, memory and I / O Bridge Controller
NBC: North Bridge Chip (North Bridge chip)
PIIX: PCI ISA / IDE Accelerator (accelerator)
PSE36: Page Size Extension 36-bit, 36 bit page size extension of model
PXB: PCI Expander Bridge, PCI Bridge to enhance
RCG: RAS / CAS Generator, RAS / CAS generator
SBC: South Bridge Chip (South Bridge chip)
SMB: System Management Bus (full System Management Bus)
SPD (Serial Presence Detect, serial number detection device internal memory)
SSB: Super South Bridge, South Bridge chips super
TDP: Triton Data Path (data path)
TSC: Triton System Controller (System Controller)
QPA: Quad Port Acceleration (d interface to speed up​


شركة عيون دمياط
24 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
أهم مصطلحات وإختصارات اللوحة الأم
بارك الله فيك مهندس محمد

محمود صالح

مهندس جديد
27 مارس 2009
مستوى التفاعل
أهم مصطلحات وإختصارات اللوحة الأم
بارك الله فيك


شركة رؤية
مؤسس الموقع
23 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
أهم مصطلحات وإختصارات اللوحة الأم


مهندس جديد
20 أبريل 2009
مستوى التفاعل
أهم مصطلحات وإختصارات اللوحة الأم
جزاك الله خيرا على المجهود