Atp-emtp كامل لكل مهندسي كهرباء قوي
Alternative Transients Program Features

ATP has been continuously developed through international contributions by Drs. W. Scott Meyer and Tsu-huei Liu, the co-Chairmen of the Canadian/American EMTP User Group. The birth of ATP dates to early in 1984, when Drs. Meyer and Liu did not approve of proposed commercialization of BPA (Bonneville Power Administration) EMTP by DCG (the EMTP Development Coordination Group) and EPRI (the Electric Power Research Institute). Dr. Liu resigned as DCG Chairman, and Dr. Meyer, using his own personal time, started a new program from a copy of BPA's public-domain EMTP. Requirements of ATP development include honesty in all dealings and non-participation in EMTP commerce. ATP is not in the public domain, and licensing is required before ATP materials are received (refer to Licensing).

MODELS in ATP is a general-purpose description language supported by an extensive set of simulation tools for the representation and study of time-variant systems.
- The description of each model is enabled using free-format, keyword-driven syntax of local context and that is largely self-documenting.
- MODELS in ATP allows the description of arbitrary user-defined control and circuit components, providing a simple interface for connecting other programs/models to ATP.
- As a general-purpose programmable tool, MODELS can be used for processing simulation results either in the frequency domain or in the time domain.
- HVDC converter controls
- Excitation systems of synchronous machines
- power electronics and drives
- electric arcs (circuit breaker and fault arcs).

- Calculation of electrical parameters of overhead lines and cables using program modules LINE CONSTANTS, CABLE CONSTANTS and CABLE PARAMETERS.
- Generation of frequency-dependent line model input data (Semlyen, J.Marti, Noda line models).
- Calculation of model data for transformers (XFORMER, BCTRAN).
- Saturation and hysteresis curve conversion.
- Data modularization (for $INCLUDE).