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شركة رؤية
مؤسس الموقع
23 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الوظائف المختلفة لمفتاح Fn في اللاب توب
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

هذه قائمة شاملة لوظائف مفتاح FN


FN + ESC: Choose the default power management mode
(FN + F2: Wireless LAN to open or turn off features DELL8000 none)
FN + F3: Power Table
FN + F8: Switch display
FN + F10: pop-up drive
FN + arrow keys up / down arrow keys: Increase / reduce the brightness
FN + END: Mute
FN + PgUp: Volume Up
FN + PgDn: reduce the volume
FN+Num lock:Scroll lock FN + Num lock:: the equivalent of pressing the Scroll lock


ASUS S200 is a combination of the following key features:

FN + F1: lower the screen brightness FN + F2: higher screen brightness FN + F3: Wait for the status of FN + F4: hibernation FN + F5: lower volume FN + F6: increase the volume FN + F7: Mute FN + F10: Switch display FN + F11: equal NUM LOCK key press FN + F12: equal press Scroll lock key FN + Insert: press the Print key equal (PRINT SCREEN)
FN + del: equal SysRQ key press FN + up arrow keys: Page Up keys equal press FN + down arrow keys: Press the Page Down key equal FN + left arrow keys: Press the Page Home button equal FN + right arrow keys: equal by Next Page End key FN + T: tensile screen

Below the previous models for shortcuts S8200:
FN + F5: increase brightness FN + F6: reduce the brightness FN + F7: turn off / open the screen FN + F8: Display the former for FN + F9: Mute FN + F10: increase volume FN + F11: to reduce the volume FN + F12: Press the PAUSE equal between FN + insert: equivalent to pressing the num lock key FN + del: equal by Scr Lock keys under


FN + F2: connect / disconnect wireless card signal
FN + F3: Display Switch (FN + F5)
FN + F6: Mute / lifting mute
FN + F8: to increase the screen brightness (FN + F7)
FN + F9: lower the screen brightness (FN + F6)
FN + Scrlk: press the Break key to equal
FN + Insert: press the PRINT SCREEN key to equal
FN + DEL: Press the PAUSE key equal


Samsung's shortcut keys are very easy, provided the functions are the most commonly used, but the new X-series and the P series machines vary FN shortcut keys, such as the X10 and P25. FN shortcut keys now to introduce Coincidentally X10-based supplement that P25.
FN + ESC: Wait for status to be placed in the machine. (P25 for: FN + F5)
FN + F2: Battery status display
FN + F4: Switch display (P25 for: FN + F7)
FN + F6: Mute (P25 for: FN + END)
FN + F7: open turn off SPDIF output (P25 for: FN + F8)
FN + F11: the equivalent of pressing the NUM LOCK
FN + F12: the equivalent of pressing the Scroll lock (P25 for: FN + F10)
FN + arrow keys up / down arrow keys: Increase / reduce the brightness
FN + arrow keys left / right arrow keys: increase / decrease the volume (P25 for: FN + Page Up / Page Down)

P25 The following shortcut keys are only suitable for both the P25

FN + F11: the equivalent of pressing the Pause
FN + F12: the equivalent of pressing the Break
SAMSUNG has more shortcut keys are characteristics FN + F7/F8, can open or close the S / PDIF output, and turn off S / PDIF output port must save a small amount of energy in order to extend battery life.

FN key combinations association articles

FN + F2: connect / disconnect wireless card signal
FN + F3: Display switch
FN + F6: Mute / lifting mute
FN + F8: an increase screen brightness
FN + F9: to reduce the screen brightness
FN + SCRLK: press the BREAK key to equal
FN + INSERT: such as keys and press the PRINT SCREEN
FN + DEL: Press the PAUSE key equal


FN + ESC: set to Wait for status
FN + F3: Mute (effective only in WINDOWS)
FN + F4: the pop-up section to adjust the volume status (valid only in WINDOWS)
FN + F5: Brightness adjustment pop-up Article
FN + F7: Switch display
FN + F12: the system is set to sleep status
FN + NUMLK: press the SCROLL LOCK key equal
FN + INSERT: equal press PAUSE button
FN + DELETE: Press the BREAK key to equal
FN + up arrow keys: Press the PAGE UP key to equal
FN + down arrow keys: Press the PAGE DOWN key to equal
FN + right arrow keys: Press the HOME key to equal
FN + left arrow keys: Press the END key to equal
FN + F: pull or not pull Shin Shin screen (only useful in under WINDOWS)​

محمود صالح

مهندس جديد
27 مارس 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الوظائف المختلفة لمفتاح Fn في اللاب توب


مؤسسي ريبير
13 مارس 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الوظائف المختلفة لمفتاح Fn في اللاب توب
انى عاجز عن الشكر لأن المعلومات كبيرة جدا فى افادتها


مهندس جديد
27 يونيو 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الوظائف المختلفة لمفتاح Fn في اللاب توب
مشكوووووور على المعلومات القيمه دى.
والى الامام وفى انتظار المزيد.


مهندس جديد
8 يونيو 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الوظائف المختلفة لمفتاح Fn في اللاب توب
مشكور اخي ويا ليت لو كان الشرح يشمل التوشيبا